
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The World Needs Ditch Diggers

I love this line from Caddyshack because it is so true.

It is just the desire to find a job where you aren't the grunt and you can make a living and a comfortable living at it seems to be waiting just out of reach.

In the last couple of months, I felt a strong urge come over me. This feeling is the feeling I had when I picked my major in college. The urge shocked my almost defeated psyche and reminded me that the desire to do more is what I forgot in all the rejection letters I received when applying for jobs.

I won't say that I came to this lot in life any differently than the next person. I studied and prepared for life outside the gilded walls of academia, okay, in all honesty, I prepared myself for life after school. Had I studied a little harder I probably would have picked a different major. But what major should the class clown pick?

I feel like a college major is like a spouse and just like in marriage if you don't commit 100% to it at all times you could end on the losing end of a promising life.

I have friends that knew what they wanted to do with their lives when they were in grade school. They worked hard and set goals. That wasn't me in grade school or even high school.

But I can relate to the Danny character in Caddyshack because I procrastinated and felt the pressure to do something with my life. I watched a lot of my friends graduate from college and find jobs in their field. It just seemed too easy not to try it.

My parents encouraged me to go to college but they didn't push me. I feel lucky to have the parents I have because of how they supported me. I can't blame them for my lot, but I can thank them for the free life lessons and great parenting they gave me.

The world does need ditch diggers, but I don't know if that is what I am cut out to do with my life.

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