
Monday, December 3, 2018

Clinging to Something

The Republicans in control of Wisconsin are clinging to something that hasn't worked for years, but in their minds they believe they have done a lot of good for this state, so now they believe it is good to change the power structure in the state. 

Scott Walker lost, so now the sore losers are going to change the rules so they can stay the course. 

If the way they ran the state was so good why is the state losing money and in more debt than in past years? That doesn't sound like good policies or something that needs protecting. 

This latest move by Republicans is just another waste of taxpayer dollars, and those precious dollars they seem so worried about saving. Any move the Republicans make now will probably be challenged and end up in the courts. 

The Republicans are worried about Tony Evers destroying all the good work that hasn't been accomplished. What is the proof they have to offer that their policies did anything but put lipstick on a pig? The people of the state made a choice and now the Republicans hope they can change the rules now before they lose complete control in January.

The Republicans never shrunk the state budget under Scott Walker. They made cuts to the budget but the budget never shrunk. They pushed off debt to future generations.  

The governor of Wisconsin has a lot of power, but right now the power play looks like a bunch of little children taking their ball home because they lost. They should have fixed the problem when they first took over the state and now it seems just a little suspicious that it is time to change the rules to favor their policies. 

"I'm concerned. I think Gov-elect Evers is going to bring a liberal agenda to Wisconsin and the idea that there's going to be a complete shift in Wisconsin, I don't have any problem highlighting that right now. I want people to understand that." Scott Fitzgerald told reporters.

At least Fitzgerlad is kind of being honest in that he fears his agenda might not get the green light it got in the past and that is why he is trying to change the rules. 

We will have to see how much these latest political moves cost the state.  

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