
Friday, December 28, 2018

The Symbol of a Wall

Where did this idea for a border wall ever come from? I would like to know why we need one.

Oh, I'm sure it has something to do with the dangerous people that might enter this country. But isn't it more like a five billion dollar symbol of stupidity?

The great Ronald Reagan told Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" and inspired a generation to believe that walls were a waste of money and freedom is what makes this country great.

We live in a country where we will waste taxpayer dollars to build something that might keep some people out, but doesn't it go against everything we hold sacred in this country? Don't we believe this is the land of opportunity?

The people trying to get into this country by means that aren't always legal are doing it for a good reason. They want a better life. Sure, Trump can call them criminal, but it doesn't change the fact that we aren't even giving them a chance to tell their stories. We aren't allowing them to taste the sweet taste of freedom.

Instead, we are wasting money and getting upset with people that want what our ancestors wanted when they came over here, and that is they want freedom. This is the greatest experiment and the best experiment, and it is sad that we are willing to waste billions of dollars to erect probably the biggest scar on the landscape since the Berlin Wall.

I know you don't have to be smart to get elected to Washington, but don't they realize there are two oceans where people can come ashore? Are we going to build walls around the whole country?

Maybe we could use the money to help these countries find the freedoms that we have, and maybe we won't have to build walls to keep freedom seekers out of this great country.

I feel Donald Trump should stick to his promise and have someone else pay for the wall, oh, wait, nobody is that dumb.

As our government is shut down, let us think about this symbol of hate and waste, and try to remember the words of Ronald Reagan, "If history teaches anything, it teaches that self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly."

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