
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Rejection Pile

Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. —Eleanor Roosevelt

What do you feel after your latest submission gets rejected? I know how I feel. I feel dejected. I question myself and look for jobs in other fields. I try to act like it doesn't hurt my latest idea wasn't good enough for them to publish or use. 

But what happens when the rejections pile up? Well, do you give up? The answer to the question is you don't give up. You look at your idea and see where it can be used, maybe it isn't the right publication. Maybe you use the article on your blog. There are a lot of things you can do when you use your creativity. 

You have to have a thick skin when it comes to writing. Rejections hurt. It is a lot to ask an artist to ignore the pain of someone rejecting their art. Creativity is hard and even harder when you want to be compensated for the work. 

Most the rejections I've received lately have no feedback. I understand editors are busy and don't have time to comment on my writing, but getting a form letter back feels like the editor thought it was so bad that they didn't feel like saying anything original. 

I feel the best thing a writer can do is rework the original idea. I feel that creativity sometimes blindsides that logical side of the brain that is needed for the editing side of the writing business. As a writer, you put a lot of effort into writing and it is sometimes hard to step back and see the flaws in the writing. 

Step back, look, and wait for the crazy train to pass, because it isn't easy being a writer and it is even harder when you get rejected. Don't let rejection make you crazy. Look at what you did and see why it was rejected. Read it over and then read it again. If you feel like you can fix it, go ahead and fix it. If you can't fix it, move on and write something else. 

Good luck!

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