
Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Hate You Give

The literary world is a fantasy land filled with egotistical writers and elitist thoughts. It appears these enlighten minds are bulling a young woman to the point that she got rid of her Twitter and Facebook account because of all the hateful comments she was receiving. 

The days of reading classics in college and pushing yourself are now over because of the cultural psychology of the pampered babies that rule the world of college academics think you should read simple books written by simple authors. A young adult novel shouldn't be required reading on any college list because a college student should be reading more advanced novels. 

The educational system is going backward and this is the latest example. Poor Sarah Dessen can't take a little criticism, even when it is taken out of context. Apparently, she feels that a college student should dumb themselves down to read her books because it involves a cliche of a girl suffering. Students should be reading her books in high school or grade school and not in college. 

But thanks to the liberal bully movement, Dessen can unleash the Moral PC Police that hasn't got past the kindergarten way of participation awards and hasn't found the ability to do any critical thinking because they went psycho over the simple quote.  

Our educational system pushes the idea of free speech, but as soon as someone's feelings get hurt, well, people freak out and babble incoherently. As adults, which most college students claim to be, they should already be socially aware and be able to accept opposing thoughts. 

The sad part of this story is that the best selling author can use a platform to whine and unleash so much hate and feel justified in it because her feelings were hurt. It just boils down to the fact she wants to sell more books, or she would make it free for these college students that are being denied the greatest literary mind of the 21st Century. 

"Authors are real people," Sarah Dessen is quoted saying. Real people know that her response to the quote seems strange considering it was a committee of people that voted on the books and that in a democracy people get involved because they feel passionate about things they believe in and want to see things get done. 

What will be on next year's reading list? I suggest "Llama, Llama and the Bully Goat" for the list. If you are going to make college freshmen read children's books, well, why not make it a picture book too. 

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