
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Narrative of Hate

People are upset at the boys of Baraboo who look to be giving a Nazi salute. This picture fits the narrative that the country is on a downward spiral of hate.

These kids are still kids. What the image shows is a moment where children are doing something.

It seems too easy to believe that some children from Wisconsin would be filled with hate and be Nazis. Wow, enter the media and let them make this a news story about children not knowing it is bad to make the dumb salute. They paint these kids as adults. They are teenage boys

These children should be punished for something they did as a group. Sure, one of the boys didn't do anything, so he is being hailed as a hero. We understand groupthink but we don't want to use it in this situation because we see a country in upheaval or in an imaginary upheaval and believe that the world is going to hell because of a picture. These kids knew what they were doing. They are almost adults and should be treated like adults. What kind of logic is it that ignores the facts this was a group of children?

Instead of using it as a teaching moment, the boys are getting dragged through the media news cycle where they show the image of children doing a dumb thing. They did do something dumb. These children must have handed out propaganda about becoming Nazis and they surely went around town in their tuxedos doing Nazi things to be treated like criminals.

I'm sure the punishment they will receive will fit the crime for what these kids did because this kind of stupidity can't be done by children. We must also ignore groupthink. We can't teach them to make the right choice and we must remember there is a reason people fear and get embarrassed by what our children do in situations when there isn't any adult supervision.

At some point, people will ignore this news story like they did the increase of hate in this country. This story will go away. The hate will remain. 

You have to question why it took almost a year for someone to find this picture?

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